The Varying Premature Ejaculation Causes

Unfortunately, many of the men, even in today’s candid world, are embarrassed by their problems with ejaculation early.  They often do not understand why it happening to them and, for a lot of them, it can have a very negative impact on their life.  Instead of stressing about the situation, one should look at the premature ejaculation causes so they can learn how to best treat their situation.

Premature ejaculation causes can vary from one individual to another.  Truthfully, there is usually not just one cause and it is more of a combination of differing things that lead up to it.  The best thing to do is sit down to evaluate your current lifestyle and your techniques.

First of all, anxiety can be one of the leading causes.  Stressing out that it may happen again will only make the situation a lot worse for you.  Learning to talk about this issue with your partner can help to relieve some of the anxiety you are feeling, which means, talking could help with the issue itself.

A lack of control over your penile muscles can also be a cause for this to happen to you.  To work on this issue, exercise the muscles by using the hanging towel method (hanging a towel on your erect penis and lifting it) and by stopping your urine midstream.  Both these exercises will help you to learn more control over the muscles of the penis.

Muscular tension can also cause a problem when you are in the act, as well.  When you are in the act of lovemaking, be sure you are in the most comfortable position, as straining your other muscles could keep you from lasting as long as you want to.  Deep breathing exercises will also help you with your control.

While no man wants to look into the premature ejaculation causes, the truth is, if you are experiencing a problem, you will need to look at the cause to find your cure.  Should the problem continue, speak to your doctor and nutritionist, as there could be a biological factor that is causing it to happen.

Learn More About How To Stop Premature Ejaculation!